White pillow core suitable for bedroom and living room sofa decoration high elastic pillow core
Product name: Pillow core
di mensi on
11inch/19inch 17inch/17inch 19inch/19inch 21inch/21inch 19inch/26i nchCover materi al
Our pillow covers are made of 100% polyester material. This material has excellent durabilitywri nkle resistance and el asti ci ty, which can effectively prevent the deformation and damageof the pillow core. At the same time, the polyester material is also flame retardant, whi ch
can guarantee your safety.
Fill material
Our pillow is filled with 80% memory sponge and 20% polyethylene. Memory foam is a pressurerel i eving and supporting foam that ADAPTS to the shape of your head and neck to provi de you wi thopti mal support." The pol yethylene material enhances the toughness and el asti city of the pillowcore,ensuring its durability and comfort.
Washing instructi ons
Pl ease wash by hand or machine, but pl ease avoid excessive rubbing and squeezing to preventdamage to the internal structure. Rinse with clean water, gently squeeze out excess water, andthen place in a cool ventilated place to dry.
Nursing instructi on
In order to maintain the best condi tion of the pillow core, we recommend that you perform requl arpatting and fli pping. This helps keep the pillow fluffy and distributes the pressure evenly. inaddi tion, regul ar drying prevents the growth of mold and bacteria. Do not expose to the sun toprevent color fading and material deformati on.
